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Floral Paintings

I love painting flowers: color, gesture,exuberance, transformation: they check all my boxes! Most of these paintings were created for “Blooming,” my exhibit at the Jewish CommunityCenter of Memphis in 2017.



"Debutante" 2015 - Oil on Canvas 18 x 24

Debutante depicts one of my favorite flowers, hibiscus. This pink variety blooms in my family
home in Southern California.

Burst of Joy

"Burst of Joy" 2012 - Water Color on Paper 16 x 20

Burst of Joy is my favorite watercolor piece. It flowed so spontaneously, I could almost feel the petals opening as I worked.

At the Heart

"At The Heart" 2016 - Oil on Canvas 18 x 24

At the Heart was my final piece for Blooming. After painting a garden’s expanse of roses, I abstracted the glow in the center of the blossom.


"Embrace" 2016 - Oil on Canvas 18 x 24

Embrace was inspired by hosta leaves sprouting and unfurling, a miracle that astonishes every spring.


"Hydrangeas" 2016 - Oil on Canvas 16 x 20

Hydrangeas is high drama: backlit fruit on a mirrored table accent the vase of flowers.

Green fuse

"Green Fuse" 2016 - Oil on Canvas 18 x 24

The Green Fuse was inspired by Dylan Thomas’ poem “The force that through the green fuse drives the flower.”

Opening Night

"Opening Night" 2015 - Oil on Canvas 18 x 24

Opening Night depicts another variety of hibiscus from Southern California.

Shadow Dance

"Shadow Dance" 2015 - Oil on Canvas 30 x 30

Shadow Dance memorializes a wonderful vacation in St. Maarten Island. Sadly, I never learned the name of the bush whose leaves curl like ribbons.


"Irises" 2016 - Triptych Oil on Canvas 24 x 36

One spring morning in Memphis, I was transfixed by violet irises against a rosy sky- the downtown park was otherwise desolate.

"Prickly Pear" 2015 - Oil on Canvas 18 x 24

Prickly pear was inspired by the cactus which flowers during early spring in Sedona, AZ.

Pink Tulips

"Pink Tulips" 2017 - Oil on Canvas 24 x 24

I received an extravagant bouquet of pink tulips for Mother’s Day. What a joy to paint! 


"Peace" 2015 - Oil on Canvas 18 x 24

Peace, one of my favorite roses. The same roses are depicted in Burst of Joy, but the feeling couldn’t be more different.

Seeing Through

"Seeing Through" 2016 - Oil on Board 16 x 20

Seeing Through is another view of a white hydrangea cluster, this time with sunlight streaming through the petals.

Love knot

"Love Knot" 2016 - Oil on Board 16 x 20

Love Knot was painted after a trip to Washington DC during their cherry blossom festival.

Parrot tulips

"Parrot Tulips" 2024 - Pastel on Suede Board 12 x 16

These glowing orange parrot tulips lasted only one day, but that day was magnificent.
May Peonies

"May Peonies" 2024 - 11 x 14 pastel on sanded paper

I prefer the subtlety of neutral colors, but sometimes only the purest pigments can do justice to flowers.